Seafood name

Scallops are bivalves (having two shells), like clams and oysters.
The shells are held together by the adductor muscle (the part of the scallop Americans typically eat).
Sea scallops have a saucer-shaped shell with scalloped or fluted edges.
The upper shell is usually reddish-pink or brown in color. The lower shell is white or cream.
A small percentage (5-10 percent) of sea scallops are albinos, with white upper and lower shells.
Sea scallop shells are smooth and lack the prominent ribbing that is characteristic of most other scallop shells. It is thought that the sea scallop’s smooth shell is an adaptation to allow it to propel itself faster and farther.

What do scallops taste like? Well, you can eat scallops raw or preferably cooked. Scallops are a type of seafood and are delicious, hope you agree?

They come in many different sizes and have a unique taste which is hard to describe. Scallops do not usually have any flavor on their own, but they can take on the flavors of the things around them when prepared with other ingredients. If you want to eat scallops make sure you cook them because eating raw scallops could give you a bad tummy or worse!