Seafood name

King Salmon are the largest salmon species in the Pacific—and some say the tastiest. Caught in the cold, clean waters of Bristol Bay Alaska, it’s velvety texture, high omega-3 count, and high fat content make it a favorite among seafood lovers. Compared to our Alaska Sockeye Salmon, the flavor of King Salmon is less robust—a great fish for those who are trying wild-caught salmon for the first time.

King salmon has a dense meaty texture, a rich fatty consistency, and a full fresh fish flavor with a hint of sweetness. King salmon fat can be so creamy that a sushi-grade salmon belly is considered on par with the delicacy of sushi-grade tuna belly. And the taste of king salmon can stand up to intense cooking methods, such as charcoal grilling and wood roasting, as well as pronounced spices and rich sauces, without losing its own inherent flavor.