Seafood name

The octopus is essentially a mollusk that lacks a shell but has eight arms and three hearts. Where cephalopods are concerned, marine biologists are careful to distinguish between “arms” and “tentacles.” If the invertebrate structure has suckers along its entire length, it’s called an arm; if it only has suckers at the tip, it’s called a tentacle. By this standard, most octopuses have eight arms and no tentacles, while two other cephalopods, cuttlefish and squids, have eight arms and two tentacles.

Perfectly grilled octopus is tender, succulent, with a crispy outside and a slightly smoky flavor. It is delightfully meaty and comforting. The meat reminds of chicken, lobster, or pork, but the texture is different. In general, it has the taste of the spices and condiments it’s served with.