
A Seafood Charlie Recipe

This is the way I like to prepare octopus of any size baby, medium or large.

  • I always boil it first, then let it cool down to room temperature and quickly grill it, so it gets a nice char.
  • Then I season it with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, dried oregano, fresh parsley and garlic (optional).
  • After grilling you can use a mix of your favorite spices, if the ones I’m suggesting don’t sound good to you.
  • Cut the heads and removed the beak, it is in between all the legs, on the inside.


  • Boiled it for 40-45 minutes. Then I let it rest for 30 minutes.
  • You can let it sit in the fridge overnight or even freeze it for up to 1 month.
  • While the octopus was resting at room temperature, I drizzled some olive oil over it and added some chopped garlic, so it can get some seasoning, before grilling.
  • I cut its tentacles and grilled it over medium-high heat for 3-4 minutes per side.
  • Then I added some seasoning and served it.
  • If you are cooking for a crowd, I recommend cooking 1 pound of octopus per person.


A Seafood Charlie Recipe

Prep:10 mins

Cook:2 hrs

Total:2 hrs 10 mins

Servings:4 to 6 servings



  • 2 to 3 pounds octopus, fresh or frozen
  • 3 to 5 quarts cold water


  1. Gather the ingredients.
  2. If buying fresh octopus, ask the fishmonger to clean it for you. However, if the octopus is not pre-cleaned, wash and clean it, removing the ink sac and internal organs by making a circular cut around the beak, with a paring knife. Pull away the beak and the organs will come with it. All frozen octopus is pre-cleaned.
  3. Set the octopus in a large pot with enough water to cover it, then bring the water to just a simmer.
  4. Simmer very gently at 190 to 200 F. Timing varies depending on the weight of the octopus and how many you are cooking. For a 2- to 3-pound octopus, it will usually be between 1 to 2 hours. Test for doneness by inserting a knife where the head meets the legs. The knife should slide in easily. If not, allow more time to cook. Once the octopus is tender, use it in your favorite recipe. Grill it or slice it in a salad. Enjoy.
