
A Seafood Charlie Recipe

Here are some of our helpful tips for cooking mahi mahi:

  • Get either super fresh or quick-frozen, high quality mahi mahi… wild is best and will provide best flavor.
  • Be sure your mahi portions are about 6-7oz each, with at least 1-inch thickness. If your portions are thin or too small, they’ll tend to overcook and the seasoning proportions will be off.
  • Always pat dry excess moisture from the fish; this step is super important, as it affects how well your fish will brown. I use paper towels to fully pat away all extra moisture.
  • Your cooking oil needs to be very hot [like, sizzling] before adding the fish. This allows for quick and even browning of exterior.
  • Once fish is in pan, do not keep. moving it around. Let it sit and brown for 3 minutes. It helps to have a large splatter guard. I use mine often whenever pan-frying foods.
  • Preheat oven ahead of time so that it’s nice and hot when you transfer the mahi mahi directly from stovetop to oven. After 5 minutes in the oven, it’s done.


  • Plenty of freshly minced garlic is called for. Don’t skimp on the garlic.
  • Grab one fresh lemon and zest the peel; then squeeze 1 TB of tangy juice from it. Bottled lemon juice isn’t the same, so use fresh lemons.
  • I prefer to use salted pure butter, but feel free to use unsalted if you like as long as it’s real butter.
  • For freshly chopped herbs, choose from chives or parsley…or both.
  • Tip: sauce can be prepared ahead of time, covered, and chilled until you’re ready to warm it up for serving. It’s a great sauce to have on hand.


A Seafood Charlie Recipe


  • Mahi Mahi fillets
  • Salt + Pepper
  • Olive oil
  • Butter
  • Whole garlic cloves
  • Fresh whole lemons (for juicing and slicing)
  • Fresh parsley
  • Preheat your gas grill to medium-high heat (or 450 degrees F).
  • Season your fish with salt and pepper, or other desired seasoning (try adding a dash of onion powder or garlic powder or go all-out with your favorite cajun seasoning, blackening seasoning, etc.) and brush both sides with olive oil.
  • Place each fillet directly on the grill. Grill for approximately 4-5 minutes per side. It’s fully cooked when it reaches an internal temperature of 137 degrees F.
  • Remove from the grill and smother in your homemade garlic butter sauce.
