Some facts you may be interested in.

First and foremost – full disclosure!  I currently work for and am employed by ShopRite on a part time basis in their Seafood Department.  For me, it is simply a part-time job where, after retirement, I can get out and enjoy the company of others for a few days a week.

Secondly, I am fully responsible for this website and receive nothing from ShopRite for it’s production, upkeep or maintenance.

This website was started merely to help the many customers I deal with understand seafood better and along the way, pick up a good recipe or two.  It also helps me better understand the many different types of seafood so I can learn and pass that knowledge on to my customers.

I found that, unlike other areas of the store, the Seafood Department relies on trust to a large extent.  The customer relies on the company and those working in the department to be clean, neat and organized and provide the very best seafood from well vetted suppliers.  A company who serves seafood must ensure that it’s employees are knowledgeable and practice good serving habits in cleanliness and deportment.  After all, they must stand behind their product.

I am fortunate to have a very good team to work for at ShopRite and I am proud to work for them.  We have great customers and we are ever grateful for their patronage.

I truly hope, as you look around for quality seafood, that you take care to find a safe, clean and knowledgeable venue…And I hope this website can be of help to you!