
A Seafood Charlie Recipe


Bluefish fillets
Blush wine vinaigrette

In a deep dish, arrange the bluefish and pour the blush wine vinaigrette over the fillet. Let it marinate for no longer than 30 minutes.

Set your broiler to high and place the marinated bluefish on a baking sheet with tin foil. Arrange the fillets on the baking pan and broil on the second-to-top rack for 10 minutes, letting it caramelize.

Watch carefully, as the fish can easily burn.

After 10 minutes, set the oven to 350 degrees and move the fish to the bottom rack, allowing it to cook for another 10 minutes.

The fish should be caramelized at this point and ready to eat. Serve immediately or store fish in an airtight container in the fridge for up to one day.

